So today is the day I report to the
MTC. I was set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints last night. Funny story actually, the exec
secretary forgot to put my name down that I was supposed to be set apart last night. So my family waited for about half an hour before we got a hold of my stake president and he was able to make his way to the stake center. Is this a good sign?
Well I just wanted to say I'm so excited to serve, nervous as crap, but excited. I can't wait to put that name tag on and get to work, it's going to be the most exciting part of my life. There is a song that came on my
iPod yesterday and I see it fit to post the lyrics here. I couldn't find the song for the
playlist, probably because it's off this years
EFY. But here are the lyrics to it.
I Will
I've made my choice
Mark this day
The day I pledge to take his name
I will be strong, I will be brave
Standing for Him as I take my place
I have felt the spirit burn truth in my heart
It's in my heart
I will stand I will not fall in a world that's weak
I will be strong
I'll be true I will choose His way
I know what's right, and I will not change
In a world where so many will not
I will
I may be one, but one becomes two
When you stand with me and I stand with you
As we unite, our cause is great
We're not just the candle, we are the flame
I will take the light it gives me and I'll hold it up high
I'll hold it up high
I will stand I will not fall in a world that's weak
I will be strong
I'll be true I will choose His way
I know what's right, and I will not change
In a world where so many will not
I will
There is the link to listen to it, it's an amazing song.
So here I go! Off to serve the Lord for two years!!
My sisters and mother have so kindly offered to keep this blog updated. So any updates will be from them :)